The Author

Salomon Soria, professional bilingual, was born in Chincha, Ica, Peru; graduated in Administration and Police Science, as a Second Lieutenant, at the Peruvian National Police School. He was specialized in the fight against terrorism. He also studied Public Relations at the Superior Institute of Communications Science “Alejandro Deustua” of Huancayo, Peru; The author studied the special course of Social Communication Science at the Superior Institute “Jaime Bausate Meza” of Huancayo, Peru, in the same manner studied CIS at Dover Business College in Paramus, NJ. He worked as a correspondent accredited for the United Nations Headquarter, Vida Diplomatica Magazine (1989-1996) and is the author for the book in Spanish “El Sótano del Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional”. Currently he works for a prestigious limousine company and lives with his wife and two children, in the state of New Jersey.